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Topic | Details |
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Which feature is automated by VMware Cloud Builder for SDDC setup?
Answer: A
What is the correct order of steps required to deploy a new Workload Domain in a VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) environment?
Answer: A
In a VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) environment, the correct sequence for deploying a new Workload Domain is as follows:
1. Install the ESXi hypervisor on the physical hosts to prepare them for integration into the VCF environment.
2. Commission hosts in SDDC Manager, which makes the hosts available for assignment to a workload domain.
3. Create a network pool for the Workload Domain, ensuring proper network segmentation and configuration for the domain.
4. Assign permissions on the newly deployed vCenter Server to provide necessary access and roles for administrators.
5. Deploy Workload Domain using SDDC Manager to set up the Workload Domain with the appropriate resources and configurations.
This order ensures that each step is completed in the necessary sequence for a successful Workload Domain deployment.
In VMware vSphere, what feature is used for automating resource distribution among VMs?
Answer: B
What is a necessary action when scaling out a workload domain?
Answer: C
Which component in VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) can be updated using vSphere Lifecycle Manager?
Answer: C
vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) in VMware Cloud Foundation is primarily responsible for updating and managing the lifecycle of ESXi hosts in a standardized manner. It allows administrators to define update baselines and images for the ESXi hosts in workload domains.
vCenter Server and NSX Manager are generally managed by SDDC Manager within VCF, not directly by vLCM.
SDDC Manager itself also has its own update mechanism separate from vLCM.
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